Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Haiti -- of course

A little over two weeks ago a 7.0 earthquake hit Port-au-Prince Haiti. As is always the case, Americans wanted to help---and so they did --- they donated $58 million at last count. The government donated 100 million which has recently turned into 356 million, all this at a time when our own country is in double digit unemployment and many of our citizens are not only jobless but without medical benefit ---even as the healthcare debate goes on and on.
I'm always moved by the generosity of our country and yet, equally perplexed by the attitudes of those who reap the benefits of that generosity.
America is a great country---and we have our faults, of course as many will happily point out. But I'm always a bit appalled at how much other countries seem to love to hate and criticize us even as their hand is outstretched.
I don't have anything against Haiti, in fact, the country has suffered what seems to be unending
disaster and devastation and it doesn't appear to letting up anytime in this decade anyway. It would be difficult not to be sympathetic and go without donating when even as we go with less, we rarely go without or have any idea of the life lived by many Haitians.
I do find myself wondering though if all this money will actually find it's way to those it's been given to and intended to help. And I also wonder how long the US can keep doling out money before it begins to effect us here. How much and how many can American taxpayers take on?
I think the world has a unique opportunity to rebuild Haiti. To begin again and build a country with a strong infrastructure and a government that supports it's people instead of exploiting them.
As the weeks pass, the media will go home, a new story or disaster arises and attention is focused elsewhere---will the world still remember Haiti? Or will they again be a forgotten; like the tsunami victims, the victims of the earthquake in China, Katrina and the city of New Orleans and remain a displaced country struggling to survive by any means possible?

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