Wednesday, January 6, 2010

A New Year

Well, this week begins the start of what we are all anticipating will be a great year -- or at least better than last. It's getting a cold start here in Florida and in most of the country. As we start the new year with hopeful anticipation, it's always a good idea to be thankful for all we have. In the midst of this recession, we tend to overlook sometimes that we have it pretty good. However, there are many people who don't. They are living with the stress of joblessness, foreclosure, lack of health insurance and in some cases---even food to eat.
This impending "healthcare" reform---has turned out to be laughable. Last year at this time we were all looking forward to the "hope" that our new president would bring. I hope it' coming soon.
Obama spoke last year of helping Main Street while holding Wall Street accountable and making their practices "transparent" (another Obama buzz word). We heard a lot this year of companies that are "too big to fail". A year later it seems to me that Wall Street got bailed out nicely at the cost of the American taxpayer while Main Street is still suffering. I can't be the only one who notices this. Unemployment is in double digits and the banks are riding high.
All the governments time is spent squabbling over a healthcare bill that is millions of miles away from what anyone hoped for, and yet the Democrats seem hell bent and determined to pass something, anything, just to be able to say they did---and who is it that can afford insurance when they don't have a job?---or the fine you'll have to pay if you don't have it. Maybe the intentions started out well but the result is horrifying at best. For me, this is not about Democrats or Republicans---I'm an Independent---though I'd say I lean to the liberal side. It's really about honoring your word, doing what you said you would do. Are there no politicians anywhere that we can count on to follow through? The House and Senate seem to be a bunch of squabbling teenagers who can ever agree on anything---and I know, this isn't news ---- but the big winners in the "healthcare" bill are once again---insurance and pharmaceutical companies --- the same people that supposedly caused this mess in the first place.
It's disappointing to see our great country come to this, while Obama spews plenty of great rhetoric, it seems to be powered by hot air and trying to look good.
I was never a fan of George Bush, quite the opposite really but this week at a pro-Israel rally a guy was holding a sign that made me actually ponder the question, "Were we safer with Bush?"
That's something I never thought I'd question.

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